
A small bit of relief works wonders

I'm happy to say that I feel a lot better. This is mainly because of hydrocodone, but relief is relief.

By the time I got to the clinic today, my pain was nearly unbearable. A great example that the doctor knew who I was: he came in with the prescription already written. He talked to me a bit, and said something along the lines of "Don't get down on yourself about this. Enjoy whatever you're able to do, and don't feel bad about not being able to do some of the things others can do." He said other stuff as well, but that's the gist of it.

After the health clinic, I went to a friend's dorm room that was close by and let the hydrocodone take effect. Even with the highest recommended dose, I was still in some amount of pain. Still, it was nice to have the pain reduced.

My MRI is at 7 tomorrow morning, and they want me to be there by 6:30, so I'll be heading to bed soon. I'll be sure to post an update on my appointment tomorrow.

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