
Side effects

Last night, I decided not to take my painkillers after about 3:30 or so. So, it wore off at about 7:30 or so. It didn't work terribly well at work, either. Today, I took the hydrocodone only in the morning, but didn't take any more after it wore off at around 11 or so.

I'm trying to keep my intake down, so I don't kill my liver. Plus, it dehydrates me, and drives my appetite to almost nothing. There's also the main side effect of the high. I called it my "happy vicodin bubble" soon after I started taking the stuff. However, I don't really enjoy being high all the time. So, as much as I can stand it, I'm going to try not to take anything.

I did have to walk to my last final today, though, since my car is currently covered in an impenetrable sheet of ice. It wasn't so bad on the way there, but the way back was pretty terrible. The pain level right now is pretty high, but I'm going to bed soon, so I'm not worried about it too much.

The thoracic pain is still around. Hopefully that goes away soon.

Sorry, but this is mostly complaining, but I haven't had any time to find anything else. Hopefully later.

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