
Yesterday, I had some pain, but not enough to really bother me. It was mostly evident when I moved in the wrong way; I felt little twinges of pain.

I'm getting sick again. I've been coughing (with substance) since last night, and I'm getting congested as well. It's probably going to lead to another sinus infection. Joy. I'm sure that all of this isn't helping my back, either.

I feel okay pain-wise so far today, but whatever bug I caught this time is running me down. I didn't go to t'ai chi, mostly because I don't think I could make it through an hour of working out feeling the way that I do.

Something I wanted to mention: there was a comment left on my blog explaining SRA in a lot more detail. I will post this in the main posts soon, but I want to do a little research, first. I hope to have that up in the next couple days or so.

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