
Big Traction and Intimidating Equipment

My day started just the way I suspected it would: in pain. I brought it on myself, since I decided to go knee boarding yesterday. I still believe it was completely worth it. Most of the pain has ended up in my arms, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

So, as I proceeded to get up and take some of the usual painkiller, I realized that there was a little pain in my back, but certainly not as bad as the aforementioned arm pain. And not as bad as a usual work day.

So, I had a pretty good idea where this place was that I was going when I left this morning, but apparently, not a good enough of an idea. In true Amy fashion, I managed to get myself lost. The problem was...I went way too far down Ridgeway. Figures. After a phone call to the office and some directions, I managed to find the place. And after I circled the building, I managed to find the entrance. And after I walked down the wrong hallway, I managed to find the right area. I was embarrassingly 15 minutes late for my appointment, but at least I won't get lost again.

They started off my therapy by laying on a heat pad, which felt amazing. The physical therapist came in and started asking me questions, then finally explained what traction really is. I'll get to that later.

They then took me to the traction machine. This is a rather intimidating-looking piece of equipment. They put two harnesses on me, one around my hips, and one that went the whole length of my back. I was then attached to the machine. This is where it all got kind of medieval. Traction works by stretching your back. Which means...the attach the harness to one end of the machine, which pulls with a certain weight. There are padded posts under your arms, which holds your upper body in place. You are then told to relax as the machine pulls for 60 seconds, then releases for about 40 seconds or so. Rinse and repeat.

All of this is well and good, except for the nerve in my lumbar region that got pinched somehow. The pain started about 10 minutes in, and by 15 minutes it was so excruciating that I couldn't take it anymore. They had to take me off of the machine. They think the cause was the lumbar cushion was inflated too much. In my next appointment tomorrow, they're going to lower the pull weight and deflate the cushion a little. I really hope it works.

All of this is for my lower back, which for some reason, they think they need to do this for. My herniated disk has always been a red herring of sorts: a lot of people focus on that and not the more painful scoliosis pain. I brought this up, and as I suspected, they were focusing more on this less painful area of my back.

My session finished with a 15 minute relaxation time on some cold packs and electrodes. It helped a little.

Tomorrow we are also going to start some exercises with a ball for my scoliosis pain, while continuing the traction for my lower spine. They are also going to continue the electrode therapy. We'll see if the traction goes any better tomorrow.


A New Course

I decided to try other options than surgery. Now just isn't a good time anymore.

The surgeon prescribed a type of treatment called "big traction". I'm not really sure what it is. I have my first appointment at 10 on Tuesday, so I suppose I'll find out then.

The next option is cortisone shots. I guess these last for about 3 months. The downside is possible hormone imbalance. Fun stuff. I guess we'll have to see if it gets to that point.

I guess I'm going to try everything there is to try to relieve this pain. If these options don't work, then I will reconsider surgery. Although at this point, I'm not really sure when that would happen.



Today is the day that I talk to my surgeon.

The surgery is scheduled for 2 and a half weeks away, but I haven't been able to do anything because I've been waiting for today. The office called me back last week and asked me to come in to talk to them. I guess they're worried that I don't understand what's going on.

I probably don't.

I don't know what to do anymore. There's reasons for and a against this thing, and I don't feel I can weigh the options until later today.

Stressful? Na, not at all...


Crunch Time

It's been awhile, huh?

I finished out the semester following a very simple routine. Take hydrocodone every day I worked, and suffer through the day.

So, now I'm done with class and that job, so I have a bit of time to rest before my (rescheduled) surgery on June 6th. Yeah, I forgot to mention that bit. But anyway, I've been trying to figure out arrangements, and things seem to be changing. For one, I will be unable to go to my mom's, since I won't be able to take stairs. The other option is my grandma's, which is probably better since she has experience with stuff like this. I can't ride in a car for more than 15 minutes. That's the problem. My grandma lives in Cedar Rapids...which, for those who don't know, is an hour away. Mom gave me a solution-ride in a van with a mattress in the back, but I have yet to pass that by the surgeon. Other than that...I have no other options. Certainly none in Cedar Falls. Time will only tell how that works out.

So, the reality is, I'm helpless for about a month. I can't even shower for 2 weeks...someone has to bathe me. I can't lift over 8 lbs or so, and I can't drive for a month. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my wits. But I made this decision, and I'm going to stick with it.

So...what's left this month? I need to get my second opinion, I need to have a physical, and I need to arrange stuff. I'll be lucky if I don't lose my mind before June 6th.